Celebrate Mother's Day with our Simulation Carnation Bouquet. This 10-head carnation flower bouquet is perfect for home decoration and makes a thoughtful gift. Made by our trusted manufacturers, these carnations are durable and beautiful.
Ideal for wholesale, these carnations are a must-have for any floral enthusiast. Perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any occasion, they are sure to impress. Order now and make Mother's Day special with our exquisite carnation bouquet.
Add a touch of elegance to your home with our Factory Wholesale Xinjiang Lavender Dried Flower Bouquet. This purple lavender bouquet is perfect for decorative photo props and home decor. Available in wholesale, it makes a great addition to any floral arrangement.
Crafted with fine details, these lavender flowers are designed to look incredibly real. Whether you're creating a photo prop or simply adding a natural touch to your home decor, this bouquet is a must-have. Elevate your space with this timeless piece today!
Looking for the perfect gift for Mother's Day or Teacher's Day? Our Single Carnation Soap Flower in a hot new color box is just what you need! This simulation bouquet is not only beautiful but also long-lasting, making it a thoughtful and eco-friendly choice.
Ideal for wholesale, these soap flowers are perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any occasion. Whether you're a retailer or a DIY enthusiast, this product is sure to impress. Order now and make every day special with our exquisite carnation soap flowers.
Elevate your wedding or hotel decor with our Wholesale High-Grade Artificial Flower Calla Lily. This double-petal taro flower is perfect for bridal bouquets and venue decorations. Made with premium materials, it ensures a luxurious and lasting impression.
Ideal for both weddings and hotel settings, this calla lily adds a touch of elegance and sophistication. Its high-quality construction ensures it looks stunning from every angle, making it a perfect choice for any special occasion. Enhance your decor with this beautiful artificial flower today!